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Shoemart KSA Store

Shoemart KSA Store

Shoemart KSA Store

Shoe Mart is the largest retailer of shoes and accessories in the Middle East, offering a wide range of premium value brands and products for men, women and children. The brand offers a wide range of in-house brands such as Duchini, Paprika, and Little Missy, shoemart cards as well as major international brands such as Ecco, Lee Cooper, Puma, Reebok, and Skechers. Shoemart's offering also includes accessories and accessories such as belts, handbags, luggage, wallets, socks, school bags and a range of shoe care products

How to use ( Shoemart KSA Store )

1-Find a product you like and proceed to checkout.

2-At the bottom of your Basket page, enter your 25-digit Gift Card number and 4-digit pin and hit Apply. This will allow you to see how much money you can spend from your Gift Card.

3-Click on Checkout Now and complete your shopping. It’s that easy

Terms and Conditions:

1-Home Centre e-Gift Card is redeemable at Home Centre and Lifestyle stores within India and it is not allowed for redemption for any purchase through online platforms

2-The Gift Card/ e-Gift Card is valid for ONE year from the date of issue

3-For balance enquiry / validity, SMS HCBAL< space >16 digit card number to 56767.

4-E-Gift Cards can be redeemed only once and in full, in case the value of the merchandise exceeds the value of e-Gift card, the difference shall be paid by the bearer. No refunds/ credit note shall be issued for unused part of the e-Gift card

5-Multiple e-Gift Cards can be used for one purchase

6-E-Gift Cards cannot be exchanged for cash.

7-For any assistance, please call customer care at 1800-212-7500.

li>8-No replacement / compensation is permissible/ payable for lost e-Gift Card.

9-The holder of the card is deemed to be the beneficiary.

10-Lifestyle International Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to alter any / all the terms and conditions of this e-Gift Card any time without prior notice. Any dispute shall be referred to Lifestyle International Pvt. Ltd. (the Company) and the decision of the Company shall be final.

11-All disputes are subject to Bangalore Jurisdiction

12-Once the e-Gift Card is issued, Lifestyle will not entertain any request for cancellation. Any exchange by the bearer will be considered a valid discharge of Lifestyle's liability.

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Shoemart GiftCard SAR 500 - KSA Store
Shoemart GiftCard SAR 500 - KSA Store
500.00 SAR
Shoemart GiftCard SAR 500 - KSA Store
Shoemart GiftCard SAR 500 - KSA Store
500.00 SAR
Shoemart GiftCard SAR 200 - KSA Store
Shoemart GiftCard SAR 200 - KSA Store
200.00 SAR
Shoemart GiftCard SAR 100 - KSA Store
Shoemart GiftCard SAR 100 - KSA Store
100.00 SAR
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