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Nintendo eShop Cards

Nintendo eShop Cards

Nintendo eShop Cards

Nintendo game cards allow you to purchase additional games, applications, and unique content directly to your Nintendo console or handheld. These prepaid gift cards come in a number of different values.

How to use ( Nintendo eShop Cards )

1- On your Nintendo device, select the eShop icon at the Home menu.

2- Scrolling to the left will present the option to ‘Add Funds’.

3- Click the “Redeem a Nintendo eShop Card” button.

4- Simply input the code of the card which you have bought and select ‘OK’, to credit the funds to your Nintendo Network ID.

5- Now you’ve got your Nintendo account loaded, and ready to get any new game or application.

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Nintendo eShop $20 Card
Nintendo eShop $20 Card
78.90 SAR
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